XFree86 4.0, Enlightenment 16.4, and Xinerama...

Ben Pfaff pfaffben@msu.edu
20 Apr 2000 19:25:52 -0400

Sean <picasso@madflower.com> writes:

> I thought multiheaded support was all about sharing an x session between
> two monitors. *ponders*

There might be an easier way to do it than x2x, I just don't know
about it.

> I havnt paid much attention to this since I only have one
> monitor, and I assumed since the Macs have been able share the
> display acrossed multiple monitors for at least 5 years, that
> is what it was all about.

Macs have been able to do it since the early 1990s at least.  I'm
pretty sure we used to do that on an old Mac Classic that had an
extra full-page display monitor, but ICBW.