script ok in IE & Opera - error in netscape

Mike Rambo
Fri, 29 Dec 2000 14:57:27 -0500

Edward Glowacki wrote:
> On Fri, 29 Dec 2000, Mike Rambo wrote:
> > I'm trying to build a database using mysql, apache, and php4.  The
> > following code (which is nearly verbatim from a book on the subject from
> > which I'm trying to learn) works with Internet Explorer and Opera (both
> > on a win9x machine) but not from Netscape (windows or linux) or the
> > Konqueror browser/file manager that comes with kde.  Instead of working
> > it gives a "requested URL not on this server" 404 error.  The
> > interesting thing is that the book author used Netscape in all his
> > examples.
> >
> > The offending code:
> >
> > <form action="<?php echo $php_self ?>" method="post">
> >   <input type="hidden" name="action" value="insert">
> >   Serial Number:&nbsp;
> >   <input type="text" name="query_sn" size=31 maxlength=30>
> >   <input type="submit" value="Query">
> > </form>
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
> > Thanks.
> Does the error message appear when you load the page with the form
> or after you submit?  Maybe you could include the HTML generated
> by this script where you are having the error?  Have you verified
> that you entered the URL correctly?  Um... more ideas, more ideas...
> um... have you tried rewriting everything in Python? ;)
> --
> Edward Glowacki       
> Network Services
> Michigan State University

Sorry, the error comes up when I click the button to submit.  If I
bypass the form and manually assign a value to the variable in question
(query_sn) the rest of code, such as it presently is anyway, works.  At
least at this point it successfully accesses mysql to fetch and display
the record.  If I try to dynamically get a value for that variable with
this code it fails when using Netscape or Konqueror.  I don't see why
IE5 or Opera would treat it different - but then I'm as new to HTML as I
am to PHP (or Perl or Python for that matter).

Mike Rambo