where are environment variables set?

Paul Melson melson@scnc.holt.k12.mi.us
Fri, 7 Jul 2000 10:33:38 -0400

On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 08:35:23AM -0400, Mike Rambo wrote:
> I have found that my PATH has things in it which are no
> longer necessary but I cannot figure out where they are
> being configured.  I've looked at /etc/profile, /etc/bashrc,
> $HOME/.bash_profile but the settings aren't in any of these.
> I'm running Mandrake 7.1.  Where are common (or un-common)
> locations where PATH assignments are made?
> -- 
> Mike Rambo
> Lansing School District

	Also try:


	The above (plus the ones you listed) should
	apply to sh/bash, csh/tcsh, and ksh.  If you're
	using ash, zsh, or another shell, you'll want
	to check the man page for that shell to see
	what init files it reads at runtime.  This is
	usually toward the end of the man page under
	a heading labeled "FILES"  Hope that helps!

