
Marcel Kunath kunathma@pilot.msu.edu
Wed, 12 Jul 2000 12:01:21 -0400 (EDT)

got these warnings on install of lprng.

Warning - owner/group of '/var/run/lpd.printer' are 0/2, not 2/2
Warning -   changing ownership '/var/run/lpd.printer' to 2/2
Warning - owner/group of '/usr/spool/lp1' are 4/7, not 2/2
Warning -   changing ownership '/usr/spool/lp1' to 2/2
Warning - permissions of '/usr/spool/lp1' are 0755, not 0700
Warning - lp: cannot open lp device '/dev/lp1' - Permission denied

I suppose the /dev/lp1 is crucial to make anything run. What should it be reset

right now:
crw-rw----   1 root     lp         6,   1 Jul 23  1999 /dev/lp1

Marcel Kunath