
Sean picasso@madflower.com
Tue, 25 Jul 2000 21:19:49 -0400 (EDT)

> ha you son of a ........

very nice expensive spoiled piece of machinery
> well at first look it had the effect that on the test page it flushed
>   the  printer serial number
>   the page count
>   the hostname
> and then it does show up now in webjetadmin.
> thanks. Ok so where is this how-to which tells you to hold a button down for 30
> seconds?

I cant find it. =) it was in a faq it may have been in the "expert"
section. I dont feel like trying to access that info atm.. but it was like
the 2nd faq =)
> suddenly the thing is all nice configured to and smurf. which of
> course doesn;t make sense now because i had bootp and rarp turned off.....

It should have reset to the default ip..