Napster at MSU?

Zac Cogswell
Wed, 01 Mar 2000 18:08:14 -0500

At 05:50 PM 3/1/00 -0500, Jeremy Bowers wrote:
>Yeah, that makes sense too.
>I'd tended to assume that since Napster users show their bandwidth, MSU
>users would all show as T1+ and all the modem users would tend to gravitate
>here, while MSU users would only download normal quantities of MP3's.
>Meanwhile, real incoming traffic has a hard time getting through.  Still...
>something is amiss and I don't have enough info.
>Unfortunately, we can't check.

We could audit the network for Napster ports every couple hours for a few 
days and get data on how many people are running napster, and also scan for 
DDOS tools :) Not like it would really help the problem that much because 
we still don't know how much bandwidth Napster is using, but it would be 
neat to know.

Also, over spring break, if it is Napster, the bandwidth should go down, 
and if it was DDOS stuff, the bandwidth would remain high because the 
clients are mostly on solaris/linux servers (there are win9x clients, but 
they're not public)...

Of course this is all just speculation and it could be some people running 
ftps, misconfigured hardware, etc..., but I hope it gets fixed soon, 
because over the last two weeks, it has got really bad ( I live in Akers).

Zac Cogswell

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Zac Cogswell" <>
>To: "Jeremy Bowers" <>; <>
>Sent: Wednesday, March 01, 2000 5:16 PM
>Subject: Re: Napster at MSU?
> >
> > >
> > >- I can't _prove_ it is Napster, all I'm saying is that based on the
> > >experiences of other Universities, it is a likely explanation.  If it
> > >Napster, I _still_ want to know what it is.
> >
> >
> > Its possible that there are a bunch of "0wn3d" machines on campus that are
> > being used as zombies in DDOS attacks... which would also explain why the
> > outgoing bandwidth is a lot higher than the incoming, when in the rest of
> > the  graphs, they are about even. I think they would be closer if it was
> > due to napster (about the same amount of ppl serving mp3's to leeching).
> >
> > Just another possible explanation...
> >
> > Zac Cogswell
> >
> >
> >
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