CGIs with Apache on Debian

Cory Spitz
Tue, 28 Nov 2000 19:44:32 -0500

Hey all,
I've got CGIs running with Apache on a Mandrake system allright.  Now,
I'd like to get them to work on a Debain system.

I did an 'apt-get install apache'

This set up everything ok, but I can't run CGIs in ~username/cgi-bin,
which I can do on my Mandrake box.  I basically lifted the config
settings from one to the other but it's a no go.  I get "Forbidden, you
don't have permission....."  I must be missing something here.  I've got
a <Directory /home/spitzcor/web/cgi> Options +ExecCGI> and I've got
AddHandler script-cgi .cgi.  I don't know what else to do.  What do I
need to add to the default intall after apt-get intall apache to make
this work.  Thanks a lot.
