CGIs with Apache on Debian

Cory Spitz
Wed, 29 Nov 2000 10:39:35 -0500

Thanks dpk,

suexec is the culprit here.  I have moved the suexec file and apache
starts with out it.  I can now run CGIs from userdir land ok as
www-data, the guy who runs apache.  Now, I'd like to run CGIs as
<username>, but I still can't seem to add the script handler for CGIs.

When I add:

AddHandler cgiwrapper .cgi
Action cgiwrapper /cgi-bin/cgiwrap

I still get the error:

Invalid command 'Action', perhaps mis-spelled or defined by a module not
included in the server configuration

Thanks for the help,

> I believe I have found the reason... Debian ships with "suexec"
> installed/enabled.  This will cause user CGI scripts to fail since by
> default user CGI's do not meet the security of suexec.