CVS, dates, and versions

Edward Glowacki
Wed, 1 Aug 2001 12:34:58 -0400

Quoted from Ben Pfaff on Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 11:21:19AM -0400:
> or if you want to enforce the ordering for some reason then
> 	update: version
> 		cvs ci
> 		$(MAKE) output
> Dependencies are your friend.

Ordering would be important in the case I gave above, as the CVS
checkin needs to happen before the output is created, so that the
date tags are up-to-date in the output.

> (Note the use of $(MAKE) above; here's the relevant explanatory
> page from the GNU Make manual:

Thanks for the pointer, I haven't checked out the make man page in
a while and all my makefiles are pretty simple, so I kinda forgot
about things like this.

Edward Glowacki
Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.
                -- Jules de Gaultier