Adobe should pay for Dmitry Sklyarov's defense

Ben Pfaff
27 Jul 2001 21:40:29 -0400

Ms. Campbell:

Now that Adobe has withdrawn its unethical complaint against
Mr. Dmitry Sklyarov, I suggest that Adobe continue to act in good
faith by paying for Mr. Sklyarov's defense, including other costs
that may be incurred during the trial that is apparently to
continue.  As it was only at Adobe's request that Mr. Sklyarov
was wrongfully arrested and imprisoned, Adobe should shoulder the
monetary burden in having him released.

I also suggest that Adobe contributes money toward lobbying for
repeal of the Digital Millennium "Copyright" Act (DMCA).  This
law was opposed by numerous consumer groups at the time of its
introduction as a bill.  This law serves to negate "fair use"
rights to which Americans are entitled under copyright law.

Until such a time that I feel that Adobe has fulfilled its
obligations toward Mr. Sklyarov, I will of course continue my
boycott of Adobe product, including such things as Adobe-branded
PostScript print engines.  I will also encourage my friends and
colleagues to boycott Adobe products.  Copies of this letter will
be circulated among them.

Respectfully yours,

Ben Pfaff
B.S., Michigan State University, electrical engineering
Stanford Graduate Fellow, computer science.