ctrl-l question

Ben Pfaff pfaffben@msu.edu
10 Sep 2001 13:55:01 -0400

Mark Szidik <szidikm@mlc.lib.mi.us> writes:

> I am working on a Expect script and the Expect book says that
> sending the process a ^l  (control-l character) may fix the
> problem.  How do I express this character in my script?  Expect
> uses TCL, so I can assign a variable a hex code, but I have no
> ideal just what code the ^l is and what it even does.
> Anybody know what a ^l is and its hex value?

Just count letters forward from the beginning of the alphabet.
^l is character 12, the same as form-feed.  You can express it as
hex `C'.

Alternatively, take the ASCII character value for the
corresponding capital letter and subtract 64.  `L' is ASCII 76
and 76 - 64 = 12.
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 it takes a special kind of person to look evolution in the eye
 and say "huh?"."
--Chris Hacking