[GLLUG] I want to mount a W2K folder using the mount command without using g NTLM

Matt Shirilla mshirilla at micim.com
Tue Oct 14 14:47:36 EDT 2003

I am using 3.0, what samba.org calls "The first official, stable release of
the Samba 3.0 code", and I did install MIT Kerberos and OpenLDAP.

When I use the following command I am able to authenticate to my native-mode
Active Directory.  "/usr/kerberos/bin/kinit user1 at mydomain.com -V"  After
entering my password I get the following output: "Authenticated to Kerberos
v5"  The security event log on the DC shows an authentication ticket was

Once I have done that I use the following command to connect to a server
"smbclient //server1/share -k"  The -k flag means use Kerebos
authentication, I am not prompted for a password, and I get the "smb: \>"
prompt from which I can access the Windows share.  I will get a message
telling me if my ticket is expired.  I can do this successfully for any
share in my domain.

I tried this command to no avail "mount -t smbfs -o krb //server1/share1
/MyWinShare" This last command output the following "Warning: kerberos
support will only work for samba servers"

I Googled the output and the only thing I found was this link:
http://us2.samba.org/samba/ftp/cvs_current/source/client/smbmount.c that
contains the following code:

#ifdef HAVE_KRB5

				use_kerberos = True;
					fprintf(stderr, "Warning: kerberos
support will only work for samba servers\n");
				fprintf(stderr,"No kerberos support compiled

Any suggestions?


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