[GLLUG] Apache 1.3.31 server side includes

David Silva Smith smithd98 at msu.edu
Tue Mar 22 12:15:59 EST 2005

I only have one version of apache installed.  It is installed in 

Apache does start without error, and
apachectl configtest 

returns "Syntax OK" 

mod_include.so is in /usr/libexec/apache/mod_include.so 

In httpd the server root is /usr 

I uncommented the AddType line in httpd.conf
AddType text/html .shtml 

I plan on learning PHP at some point in the future. 

At this point I would like to include a template file.
I thought Server Side Includes would be an easy way to do it. 

I'm thinking the mod_include isn't loading properly...
Is there anyway to check which modules are running? 

Thanks for your help! 

David Smith 

(517) 944-1872
smithd98 at msu.edu
900 Long Boulevard #290
East Lansing MI 48911 

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