[GLLUG] Installing Ubuntu

Chick Tower c.e.tower at gmail.com
Wed Apr 16 13:13:09 EDT 2008

I recently installed Fluxbuntu on an old laptop.  Two parts of the 
installation trouble me, and I wonder if they were only in Fluxbuntu or 
if they were inherited from the common install system used by all the 
Ubuntu flavors.  Since we'll probably be installing some Ubuntu during 
Friday's install-fest, I thought I had better find out.

Fluxbuntu might have eliminated all my other partitions if I hadn't told 
it what partitions existed and where to mount them.  I had already 
prepared partitions for Fluxbuntu beforehand, but I saw no option to 
bypass rewriting the partition table during the installation.  Does this 
happen in Ubuntu installs, too?

I was given no option about installing GRUB or creating a new menu.lst 
for it.  It did pick up the Xubuntu installation (although it called it 
Ubuntu), but it missed my Slackware installation.  Is installing GRUB 
without any user input normal Ubuntu behavior?


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