Copy of post on msu.linux RE:DLT 4000 installation

Mark Szidik - Michigan Library Consortium
Wed, 19 Apr 2000 16:54:09 -0400 (EDT)

This helped me with my DAT drive and dump.  I added -s999999.  This
stopped dump from logically thinking that it was out of tape before it
physically was out of tape.

Mark Szidik
System Administrator           Ph: 517.694.4242 x17  Fax: 517.694.9303 
Michigan Library Consortium

On Wed, 19 Apr 2000, mOuSe wrote:

> I am wondering how to correctly configure this device using mt and then the
> correct flag values to use when running dump.
> I first ran dump on a 1.4G filesystem.  The compression light on the drive
> was on and I was able to iterate this dump 7 times before EOT was reached.
> It took approx. 20 min to complete one iteration.  Then I decided to set
> options thru mt.
> /sbin/dump 0bBf 32 14563556 /dev/nst0
> So Far I have set used mt to set
> density to 0x83 (originally set to 0x1a)
> blksize to 32
> compression 1
> Doing a dump under these copnditions takes forever!!!!!!
> Now the compression light is off on the unit.
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