keymap troubles was Re: unix history

Thu, 24 Aug 2000 23:19:51 -0400 (EDT)

On Wed, 23 Aug 2000, Marcel Kunath wrote:

>I fouj[D.....damn keymap.

What terminal program/process are you using to connect to pilot where it
gives you keymap trouble?  I cant say I've ever had it ask me to change it
or do it without my permission, so just wondering if or when I might run
into it.  

It reminds me of my typos for capslock, shift, and ctrl when using pine on
pc keyboards because I've been using pine on a Sun for 3 months =P End up
hitting shift-K for deleting lines and capslock instead of ctrl, etc.  Not
quite as bad as accidently typing (or pasting, ARGH!) into a pine window
by mistake and having it unintentionally interpret the commands,
unwittingly emailing my personal files to the fbi or who knows what =) I
think running pine in an Xterm allows you to disable this "feature" but it
seems to disallow copy/paste within compose mode which I would not like to
lose :/ Anyone circumvented this?