
Ben Pfaff pfaffben@msu.edu
29 Aug 2000 14:12:12 -0400

Adam McDougall <mcdouga9@egr.msu.edu> writes:

> I wonder how ssh tunnelling X with compression compares to the
> display method in terms of user interface speed..

It depends.  If you're doing stuff that isn't too demanding
graphically, then ssh-encrypted-&-tunneled and unencrypted
performance is about the same from a user perspective.  But if
you're spitting a lot of data (i.e., high resolution graphs or
quickly refreshing animations) over a high-speed link (10-100
Mbps) and at least one of the machines on either end is not a
top-notch performer, you'll see significant degradation in
performance using encryption and tunneling.  Try comparing scp to
ftp and you'll see the same effect.