
Paul Melson melson@scnc.holt.k12.mi.us
Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:39:59 -0400

On Tue, Aug 29, 2000 at 12:41:09PM -0400, root wrote:
> where x is the display number on the user machine I want to export my
> video to. How do I know what number to put there, and how do I let the
> user machine allow this connection from an outside machine. I think I
> may have hit it before but it gave me a permissions error.

	The DISPLAY standard for X11 is [hostname]:[display].[screen]

	If you've only got one X server running with one
	active screen, it'll always be 0.0, but if you
	use a window manager with, for example, a 3x3
	pager display, then you could send your apps to
	displays 0.0 -> 0.8 if you wanna go all fancy.  
	It sounds like you may not have added the address
	of the client machine to your X server's xauth
	list.  Just add it by running `xauth +hostname`
	on the machine w/ the X server.

> Also, this is my first e-mail from Linux, so if formatting is messed or
> something, lemme know.

	Looks great, but probably you shouldn't read
	your e-mail as root. (Or is it just your
	 GECOS field?)

