Exim error message / DNS

Ben Pfaff pfaffben@msu.edu
03 Dec 2000 21:18:47 -0500

Mike Szumlinski <szumlins@pilot.msu.edu> writes:

> >/etc/cron.daily/logrotate:
> >
> >error: exim:2 unknown option 'noifempty' -- ignoring line

A quick perusal of the package source suggests that its
configuration file (/etc/logrotate.conf perhaps?) contains a
token `noifempty' that is actually a misspelled version of the
real logrotate flag `notifempty'.  Fix the spelling and I think
all will be well.

> Also, for those of you gifted in the art of DNS, I just moved my service 
> over to the public DNS, and I was wondering if anyone could spot check my 
> listing to see if I'm an idiot or if everything is done correctly. My 
> listing is at http://www.monkey-dance.com/dns.txt

I am no DNS expert, but nothing jumps out at me and says "that
can't possibly be right!"  My only comment: you have a machine
named *Britney*?!
"The sound of peacocks being shredded can't possibly be
 any worse than the sound of peacocks not being shredded."
Tanuki the Raccoon-dog in the Monastery