little soldiers - msft

Michael Iott
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 01:14:05 -0700

Alan Garrison wrote:
> Andrew Keen wrote:
> > Targeting children is hardly unique to the Nazis. From "Only You Can
> > Prevent Forest Fires", to an organization that teaches weapon and
> > survivalist skills, wears uniforms, has a very stratified membership,
> > complete with ranks, and excludes children of different religious
> > beliefs- yes, the Boy Scouts of America.
> On the religion note, they (at least officially) don't exclude
> other religions, typically so long as their is some single
> diety that is said to definitely exist (basically Christian,
> Jewish, Islam, Buddhist, and various hybrids).  Of course,
> there has been recent problems with the stance on homosexuality
> and a problem with the Unitarians.

Buddhists do not believe in a single diety - We don't really believe in
any diety. 

> (and yes, this thread is getting quite off-topic)


"When the Great Tao is forgotten, goodness and piety appear.
When the body's intellegence declines, cleverness and knowledge step
forth. When there is no peace in the family, filial piety begins. When
the country falls into chaos, patriotism is born"
Tao Te Ching - Lao Tzu