Napster at MSU?

Zac Cogswell
Wed, 01 Mar 2000 17:16:03 -0500

>- I can't _prove_ it is Napster, all I'm saying is that based on the
>experiences of other Universities, it is a likely explanation.  If it ISN'T
>Napster, I _still_ want to know what it is.

Its possible that there are a bunch of "0wn3d" machines on campus that are 
being used as zombies in DDOS attacks... which would also explain why the 
outgoing bandwidth is a lot higher than the incoming, when in the rest of 
the  graphs, they are about even. I think they would be closer if it was 
due to napster (about the same amount of ppl serving mp3's to leeching).

Just another possible explanation...

Zac Cogswell