Last night's LUG meeting

Mon, 16 Oct 2000 08:54:44 -0400 (EDT)

On Mon, 16 Oct 2000, Edward Glowacki wrote:

> [1] I'm adding this one to the list.  =) I like Pine, I feel good
> using it, but it's missing some features I'd like... (built-in
> PGP/GPG support, keywords/categories for email, better
> new/read/answered/important/archived status management, etc.)  The
> goal would be to use some of the design principles from Pine and
> build a new system.  My first choice would be Python and Ncurses,
> but those two don't seem to like to play well together for me, so
> my second thought is Python and wxWindows.  Either way, the primary
> interface is going to be the keyboard, not the rodent. =)  Oh, and
> is it obvious I'm itching to write something cool?!?! ;)

Someone already is working on a pine knockoff. Search Freshmeat. I forgot
the name of it =)