Internet sharing with linux and win98 machines

A. Garth Brook
Wed, 13 Sep 2000 15:27:53 -0400 (EDT)

> I mean even if the lease is long he could not connect to ATT if he specified
> the IP on his machine as static and was not using a dhcp client. Or can
> somebody tell me otherwise that they are using @Home without dhcp client?

When I'm at home, I have @Home set up. I also set up a friend on mine for
his home network. It's always used DHCP for it's IP address. I don't htink
they it's easily possible to connect to ATT's network with out setting up

There's the rest of my two cents! :-) 

Knowledge is Power. Time is Money. Power=Work/Time. Therefore
Knowledge=Work/Money. Solving for Money: Money=Work/Knowledge. Thus, as
Knowledge approaches zero, Money approaches infinity, regardless of work
					     Andrew Brook