Mo' php woes!

Matt Fuerst
Mon, 27 Aug 2001 20:28:23 -0400

Man, PHP just is not letting up on me. I thought I would share my woes with
the group to get it down for the record, and maybe for an answer.

I have compiled php/apache/mysql from scratch (with php being a module or
statically compiled into apache) and get the same result. Obviously I am
missing one big <Duh> moment from being succesful.

Currently I have php installed as a static module. I do
/usr/local/apache/bin/httpd -l and I see mod_php4.c installed. Woo hoo!
Within httpd.conf I have the following lines:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps

So I think that is all Apache should need to get the ball rollin, eh? All of
my php stuffs are installed at /usr/local/lib and I have edited up php.ini.

Alas, no luck for me. Feel free to visit

it is a file containing the following:


<? echo "hi there"; ?>

----------end umbra.php---------------

I run this file, and it produces an empty document. I save the document, and
every time it weighs in at 4,096 bytes. Curious...

I also have, it contains the

<? phpinfo(); ?>
----------end test.php---------------

Yeah, just the one line. php.ini is set for <? ?> to be acceptable as well
as <?php ?> I have tried both and it does not make a difference.

This "page" always gives me 45056 bytes. Even more curious, eh?

Makes sense in one way becuase that page should be about that size based on
the output of the phpinfo(); command, but for some reason it is not being
sent out as HTML! What is the deal! So frustrating...

Any ideas? Comments/suggestions?

Thanks ahead of time,

Matt F

Matt Fuerst