beginning programming question

Ben Pfaff
23 Feb 2001 12:41:51 -0500

root <> writes:

> I am attempting to teach myself C++ and am having some problems.
> I installed Linux mandrake 7.1 on an old 486 box I have. I am not
> running any xwindows. I have emacs installed an am able to create and
> write a file: hello.cpp (from the book I am using to teach myself)
> #include <iostream>
> using namespace std;
> int main()
> {
>     cout << "Hello World!\n";
>     return 0;
> }
> When I attempt to compile with gcc, g++, or c++ commands, i recieve a
> iostream "Nosuch file or directory" error.

Do you have the libstdc++ header files installed?
Ben Pfaff <> <> <>
MSU Student - Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer - GNU Developer
Personal webpage: