asshole virus emailers

Fri, 27 Jul 2001 08:29:28 -0400

On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 12:38:26AM -0400, Adam McDougall wrote:

   usage:  fetchmail [options] [server ...]
     -l, --limit       don't fetch messages over given size
   use that in a script, or run something on the server to filter out
   oversized messages to a seperate mail folder and send you a notice.
   p.s. tcpdump is your friend :)
   p.p.s. yes I think that particular virus sucks too.  Not for the
   results in my mailbox as an innocent victum, but because I'm
   responsible for assisting people with removing it.

I find that people who get viruses are always in need of advice or a
solution...  unfortunately a shotgun doesn't go over well.

I believe in natural selection and we should put the poor bastards
down if they, a) have attachments auto-open or b) attempt to open an
any attachment, let alone something of executable nature, from someone
they have never heard of!  


p.s. This is obviously NOT my the opinion of my employer nor mine
while I am working! :)