
Sean picasso@madflower.com
Sat, 28 Jul 2001 14:23:04 -0400 (EDT)

ls -al will show all the files in the directory. When it is prepended by
a . they wont show up with just an ls.

As Ben says there will be a .config file.

What I am thinking is that he just used all the defaults because it takes
a while to figure out what they are asking for each option if you haven't
done it before.

On the other hand some distros install the functionality enabled via a
module so you dont have to recompile the kernel and you just need to add
rules to get it to work.

On 28 Jul 2001, Ben Pfaff wrote:

> <korreck1@msu.edu> writes:
> > Here's my Makefile there is no .config but I think this is what
> > you want.
> No, your Makefile tells me nothing.  There must be a .config file
> unless you deleted it after compiling.