[Re: drives]

Matt Graham danceswithcrows@usa.net
14 Sep 2001 23:28:00 EDT

"Marcel Kunath" <kunathma@pilot.msu.edu> wrote:
> Well mkreiserfs doesn't error but when I try to mount it it errors. But 
> only
> when using reiser. It's this drive:
> http://www.wdc.com/products/drives/wd450aa.html
> WDC uses the base 10 drive size:
> http://www.wdc.com/products/drives/specs/wd450aas.html#physical
> Here is what the ext2 way says:
> mke2fs /dev/hdb
> block size = 4096 (log 2)
> 5505024 inodes
> 10991358 blocks
> 549567 blocks reserved for super user
> 336 block groups
> 32768 blocks per group
> df after mounting:
> 1-kblocks   Used   Avail
> 43274424    20     41076136
> Hm 336 * 32768 = 11010048 and not 10991358
> 45020 MB = 45020000000 bytes = 43 964 843.75 KB(log 2)
> KB/4 = blocks = 10 991 210.9375
> How many blocks should I specify? 11 010 048, 10 991 358, 10 991 210, or
> 10 991 211?

Hmmm.  So mkreiser works, but mount fails?  This is slightly weird.  I'm
intrigued here, but atm I don't have a spare hard disk I can try out.  I
tried this on the closest thing available, a spare ZIP disk, doing
"mkreiserfs /dev/sda" and "mount -v /dev/sda /mnt/other" and that worked
just fine, if slowly.

I would definitely use the -v option to mount.  If you do try the
block-count option, the lowest number is definitely the way to go.  Better
to sacrifice a tiny bit of space than to lose randomly by assuming there's
more space than there really is.

What else... hmm, the latest reiserfs-utils have a warning message in
mkreiserfs about "Attention:  This is an entire device, not a partition! 
Continue?(y/n)"  Again, which versions of the relevant utilities are you
using?  Which kernel are you using?  This could get murky....

Matt G / Dances With Crows
There is no Darkness in Eternity/But only Light too dim for us to see
"I backed up my brain to tape, but tar says the tape contains no data...."