[GLLUG] recommended bloggers?

Ben Pfaff blp@cs.stanford.edu
26 Jul 2002 11:57:33 -0700

Tom Rockwell <rockwell@pa.msu.edu> writes:

> Is anybody running a blogger on their own webserver?  I've never run a
> blog, but would like to set one up.  I'd like to be able to support
> multiple blogs run by multiple users.  I'm also looking for a blogger
> that has a nice comment system, ideally with threaded comments.  The
> main official use of the blogger would be supporting collaboration on
> various physics computing projects.  The webserver I have is apache on
> RedHat.

I've never set up or run a blogger, but I'd suggest taking a look
at Scoop, the engine behind kuro5hin.org.  It definitely has a
nice comment system with threaded comments.  Site:
"Because computer source code is an expressive means for the exchange
 of information and ideas about computer programming, we hold that it
 is protected by the First Amendment."
--Hon. Boyce F. Martin, Jr., for the 6th Circuit Court, Junger vs. Daley