[GLLUG] Sharing /tmp Among Distros

Ben Pfaff blp at cs.stanford.edu
Thu Jun 12 18:14:06 EDT 2003

Scott Harrison <harris41 at msu.edu> writes:

> There is no doubt in my mind that you know what you are talking about.
> Yet some of what you wrote reads like a contradiction.  Can you fix this
> (or at least fix my confounded brain)?
> > Unlinking a symlink deletes the symlink, not the file it points
> > to.
> I interpret this as: "unlinking does not delete a file"

If a filename resolves to a symlink, the symlink is deleted, not
the file that it points to.

> > Then the tmp cleaner calls unlink("/tmp/dir/passwd")
> > which the kernel expands to unlink("/etc/passwd"), and boom!
> I interpret this as: "unlinking does delete a file"

The difference here is in where the symlink appears in the
filename.  When the kernel resolves a filename /a/b/c/d/e to a
file, the components are treated differently.  In particular,
symlinks for a, b, c, or d are *always* expanded in resolving a
filename.  But symlinks for the final component, e, may or may
not be expanded, depending on the operation: `open' will normally
expand them, but lots of other operations, including `unlink',
will not.

In my first example, I had /tmp/foo -> /etc/passwd.  In /tmp/foo,
`foo' is the final component, so it is not expanded when
unlink("/tmp/foo") is executed.  The symlink is deleted, not

In my second example, I had /tmp/dir -> /etc.  In
/tmp/dir/passwd, `dir' is not the final component, so it must be
expanded when unlink("/tmp/dir/passwd") is executed, so the
effect is that of unlink("/etc/passwd").

> Soft links, hard links?  What am I missing here in terms of what you wrote?

We're talking about soft links.  Hard links aren't very
interesting from this perspective.
"Mon peu de succès près des femmes est toujours venu de les trop aimer."
--Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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