[GLLUG] Personal APT Debs cache

Benjamin Minshall minshal1 at msu.edu
Mon Oct 27 14:40:13 EST 2003

Ben Pfaff wrote:

> I haven't done this, but off-hand I'd just use a shared "squid"
> web cache.  That way you'll get caching on your .debs and on
> everything else on the web too.

I use this method, and it works quite well for local Debian machines. 
You just need to make sure that when you configure squid, the largest 
cachable object parameter is increased to several MB or squid will 
ignore larger debs.

Also, the machines that need to use the cache must have the following 
line in the apt.conf file where "proxy" is the hostname of your proxy 

Acquire::http::Proxy "http://proxy:3128";


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