[GLLUG] Alternate FTP programs?

Scott Harrison harris41 at msu.edu
Thu Aug 12 09:29:58 EDT 2004

Impact wrote:

>>>Anyone know of any alternate FTP servers for linux?
>>>All it needs to be is stable/easy to config.
>>>Been using ProFTPd, anyone know of anything better I
>>>should look into?
>I've had good experiences with Pure-FTPd (pureftpd.org)
I too have enjoyed pure-ftpd.  Recently, however,
I have noticed some of the third-party maintained
pure-ftpd rpms do not work.  Ergo, I would
recommend installing pure-ftpd directly
from source.

Or, to go even further, use a system (e.g. FreeBSD or Gentoo)
that installs from source and will track versions and updates.

When I use linux, I am generally aiming for a convenient
pre-packaged well-curated distro, so
unless they are using wu-ftpd (or another poor choice),
I would go with whatever is the most conventional ftp server
for that distro (Debian = vsftpd; Mandrake = proftpd, etc).
as opposed to a third-party solution (i.e. "contribs").
That means you are in the same boat as others who
likely have similar criteria for having something that
is "stable/easy to config" (and hopefully, the distro pays
attention to those needs...cough/RedHat?/blah/personal-opinion).

Distro = distribution.


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