[GLLUG] more Penguicon thoughts

Richard Houser rick at divinesymphony.net
Tue Apr 24 19:15:30 EDT 2007

I don't have problems with kids in general.  I have problems with 
needing to censor our offerings to accommodate kids that really 
shouldn't be there in the first place.  The registration process (and I 
think the program book as well) made it VERY clear that a lot of 
Penguicon has content inappropriate for those under 13.  We had 
unattended kids way younger than that in the lounge.  Basically, we had 
a bunch of parents shirking their responsibilities and dumping kids off 
to be babysat by others at the con.

This impacted the gaming machine demos as the titles that were playing 
all the time were the kid friendly ones, which really isn't where the 
core PC gaming market sits.  Even then, most of the FPS games make 
better show pieces due to the superior intro-loops that tend to run if 
you leave the title idle on a menu.  RTS and flight/space Sims are fun 
and all, but they really don't draw in that many casual observers.  It 
also removed the possibility of putting many titles on a projector.  In 
short, the kids constantly playing games (TuxRacer mostly) did deprive 
others of use of the gaming machines.  TuxRacer runs fine on even low 
end hardware, but the constant use of that machine mostly deprived the 
adults of the other titles available.

I'll admit to saying that quote, but also that it was taken somewhat out 
of context.  Immediately proceeding that text was a mention of avoiding 
censorship on the gaming machines, and a message or two before that a 
LONG reply including a recommendation that we don't allow unattended 
children under 13 in the computer lounge.

If the parent wants to bring their kid in and make poor choices in their 
presence, I'm fine with that.  I'm not fine with young kids (some of 
which weren't wearing badges and might not even have been with the con) 
having unrestricted access to age-inappropriate content on our 
equipment.  I just don't think the liability is worth it.

Chick Tower wrote:
> Dude, what's with all the hate?  Kids are beautiful, man.  Next year, 
> instead of banning them, we should have activities for them, like 
> teaching them freedom songs about Richard Stallman and Linus Torvalds, 
> painting pictures with The Gimp, and a _March of the Penguins_/_Happy 
> Feet_ double-feature on the MythTV box.  Maybe even a Breakfast with 
> Tux, featuring scrambled penguin eggs and kippers, if Penguicon will 
> loan us their costume.  Then we could print up Penguin Hatchling 
> certificates for them to take home.
> Seriously, though, what is with all the negative references to children 
> in the computer lounge?  I spent as much time there as anyone, and I 
> didn't see any problems with them.  They didn't deprive anyone of use of 
> the terminals, didn't run around or scream and yell.  You don't even 
> know if that was their empty condom box that was found.
>                                Chick
> Someone Who Shall Remain Anonymous wrote:
>> ...It's just a lot simpler to boot the kids, or if we aren't willing 
>> to boot them permanently, boot them after 7:00 or something and then 
>> flip the gaming machines into gaming mode until morning, then go back 
>> to terminals for the daytime.
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