[GLLUG] Penguicon Registrations

Peter Smith psmith.gllug at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 19:19:52 EDT 2009

Well, that was a rather productive Saturday. Not only did I get results on
what Registration has recorded for the list I made up (more on that below),
but I've talked to the Volunteer chief, found that yes, Charles *has* been
talking to her, at least, about what he thinks his needs are. Pity that
wasn't coordinated between us, so that the rest of the ConCom wouldn't get
conflicting information, but, such is life.

*Volunteers! *Tracking schedule is in a "Spreadsheet
I'm not sure of the key, but I've told Con Scheduling that we'll be open for
'business' from 6pm Friday (earlier if we're set up, but, one never knows
what happens) through Noon on Sunday, so we can strike the lounge in time
for everyone who wants to do so, to make it to the Closing ceremonies. I've
also told them we need two people in there at all times; during the day,
that leaves one person to keep an eye on the multiple exits, while the other
is 'distractable' by people needing help; overnight, this comes closer to
assuring that someone's AWAKE all night. Charles seems to have derived an
entirely different concept, probably based on the fact that there's only 4
people on his volunteer sheet.
Volunteers vs Staff vs ComCon* : Yeah, I've had a lot of WTFs to this, both
around here, and even at the ConCom meetings. Anna gave a basic
determination she tends to use, but that one just won't work for me, or for
most of us. I'll try it this way, for future usage, so people don't get

There's *1* *ConCom *member for a given area or track, like the Computer
Lounge (CL). That person is the voice to the rest of the ConCom for the
area. Chain of command follows thru to *many* *Staff* members. What sort of
staff does the CL need? Well, probably a *scheduler* or two,
definitely *transport
*staff for the hardware, definitely *setup and strike* staff for the CL
itself, and probably more than a few *operations *staff for the running of
the CL itself, both security and tech types. Then there are
*Volunteers*which, for the most part, are either 'hey, we don't have
enough bodies to
lug stuff in from // out to the truck' people, or 'hey, we don't have enough
staff to both help people out in the CL, and to make sure we've got someone
who can sit behind the server table, make sure it stays put, and watch the

*Staff *and *ConCom* pretty much get their perqs before the Con; they get a
reduced membership rate, they can all go to ConCom meetings and SWOS parties
(think social team-building and minor greaseworks for operations) for the
year before their Con, they know what's going on before most anyone else
does, and they 'wield amazing power' during the Con itself. In the case of
the CL, they're probably all GLLUG members too. :) The ConCom member picks
hir own Staff members, generally, so they tend to be well-known and trusted.

*Volunteers* usually don't know what their doing, really, till they're told
to do it. They might have an idea before the Con as to whom they might be
working FOR or WITH, but they have very little information beyond what any
average Con goer has. In fact, many *volunteers* are just people who have
shown up at the Con, are some combination of 'bored' and 'wanting to help
out', and present themselves for unskilled labour. They get their perqs AT
or immediately AFTER the Con, in the form of
and use them as prescribed.

Different Con departments have a different mix. *Ops* is all Staff under
their ConCom member. The *Consuite* generally has one or two Staff/CC around
at all times, but puts Volunteers at the door checking badges, and at the
access to alcohol, checking ID for age.

The Computer Lounge has been unique in the past, simply because, well,
what's a good way to put this...we operate from such a distance and without
a budget that not only do the pre-Con perqs have less value, we tend to have
a lot of out-of-pocket expenses that we don't ever calculate, so...we've
always consider all of our Staff to be Volunteers, getting their goodies in
whatever method's available.

This should change. Preferably this year. I'll chatter about in a bit, but
first...the moment we've all been waiting for...

*Registration Records!!!*
So, I compiled a list of people I thought likely or possible to have a
registration for Penguicon; these would be people who 1) had refunds from
last year, 2) are definitely going to be at the Con this year, or 3) whose
name I could find on the list while I was compiling the list, and sent it in
a few weeks ago. Below are the results, obtained During The Meeting on

just found out the existance of, by reading the spreadsheet that I found out
about on Saturday night), send me an email asap. If you're not already
registered, pre-reg is over, you're at paying $50 at the door, but there are
things that can be done (like making you Staff in registration NOW NOW NOW
(eob Tuesday, I'm thinking) and getting you a reduced rate at the door (in
exchange for you not getting any Whuffies)

IF YOU HAVE UNKNOWN AFTER YOUR NAME, please get back to me as fast as
possible if you've already paid, in any fashion; if you have your whuffies
receipt from last year, get me an image of it asap; scan it and email it to
me at computerlounge at penguicon.com  or fax it to *509-756-3844* and I'll get
it in email.

   - Andrew Ball - Paid with Whuffie at 6.0
   - Eduardo Cesconetto - Paid with Whuffie at 6.0
   - Frank Dolinar - UNKNOWN (will be entered as Presenter)
   - Clay Dowling - UNKNOWN
   - Michael George - UNKNOWN
   - Richard Houser - Paid with Whuffie at 6.0 (will be entered as
   - Jeff Lawton - UNKNOWN
   - Ariel Lonchar - Paid with Whuffie at 6.0
   - Stan Mortel - Paid with Whuffie at 6.0 (will be entered as Board)
   - Marshall Newrock - Paid (will be entered as ConCom)
   - Sean O'Malley - UNKNOWN
   - Lee Putnam - UNKNOWN
   - Steven Sayers - UNKNOWN
   - Karl Schuttler - UNKNOWN (will be entered as Staff)
   - Peter Smith - UNKNOWN (will be entered as ConCom)
   - David Singer - UNKNOWN
   - Chick Tower - UNKNOWN (will be entered as ConCom, paid with whuffies
   last year)
   - Charles Ulrich - Paid (will be entered as Staff)

I will be, on Wednesday, submitting people I know for sure in 'Staff',
'Presenter', 'ConCom' and 'wtf, dude, he paid with whuffies' to
Registration, but the only way I Know For Sure You
"Paid with Whuffie at 6.0" is if indeed you fax/email me a copy of your
receipt...or at least tell me you have it in your hot little hands...Chick's
the only one I've gotten confirmation from so far. I really, really don't
want to have to try and find my paperwork from last year. I've got it.
Somewhere. I'm a packrat. I'm sure Chick's got his original notes as well.

If I didn't note it up top, I'm not sure of one or the other. As an
example...I know Clay's got a whuffie receipt somewhere, but I'm not sure if
he wants to be entered in as staff or not. My 'assumptions' are up top. I
don't assume that everyone on this list is gonna show up, it's just my
'biggest possible guesses'. I'd like to put Clay and Jeff as staff, and
Ariel and David as (volunteers), but really, it's up to the four of them.

Next year, though, I think that the 'Staff' positions should be decided from
the get-go.

I'll be in Detroit on Thursday night; I'm in room 120 from Thursday night
thru Monday morning, so, yip at me thru there. Ops will have my cell phone
number as well.
Peter Smith
psmith.gllug at gmail.com
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