[GLLUG] Outreach Projects

Clay Dowling clay at lazarusid.com
Thu Oct 14 22:56:35 EDT 2010

We've been coasting for a while, not performing out community outreach 
function.  It's time to fix that.  Jeff and I tossed these ideas around 
tonight on the phone:

1. Install Fest. For people who have heard about Linux, but aren't quite 
ready to fly solo yet.

2. Command Line introduction. It's a perennial favorite, because there 
are always newcomers who are wanting to get more out of their Linux 

3. Database Design.  A popular class and useful outside of Linux.  A 
good outreach opportunity to other user groups such as the ASP.NET group 
that meets at MSU.

4. SQL Basics. Another popular class that gives us a wide outreach basis.

My proposal would be to hold one class a month, maybe second tuesday?  
Probably skip December, which tends to get really crowded with holiday 
stuff, maybe start in January?

Other class ideas are welcome.  Those are just what Jeff and I could 
come up with quickly.


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