luser recruits

Ben Pfaff
05 Sep 2000 09:24:34 -0400

Sean <> writes:

> Oh damn I swear to god I thought you were dying to get a job from this
> guy. Well actually i read an article about it... =)
> Here is the article i think I snagged it from \. ($la$hdot)

Hee hee!  Archived.  Thanks Sean.
(But you forgot to include the phrase "total cost of ownership" :-)

Sean <> writes:

> Ben was notably absent from his performing at the Rennaissance festival
> this weekend citing he had more worldy obligations and to learn Visual
> Basic. 

Actually, speaking of RenFest, this weekend I spent almost $500
on a full costume for myself.  I know that sounds insane but I
look damned good in it.