
Edward Glowacki
Fri, 15 Sep 2000 09:41:19 -0400 (EDT)

Business cards 

At the meeting on Wednesday we discussed purchasing a stack of
business cards.  The purpose of these is so that every GLLUG member
that wants to can carry a small supply of these around to pass out
to interested people.  These would contain the following information:

[Penguin Logo]
Greater Lansing
Linux User's Group (GLLUG)

We could do a different logo, I just figured our friendly little
penguin would be a good start. =)  Also, is
correct?  If so, who receives that email?

My sister mentioned some place downtown Lansing that has a special
on business cards, something like $15 for 500.  As I understand
it, we would just have to give the appropriate info and they'd lay
it out on the cards, presumably from a template.  Anyways, it sounds
like a good deal to me and I'm having my sister pick up some more
info about what exactly we need to supply them with.  If there are
any other suggestions about where to get business cards, let me


Are we still interested in doing an Installfest this fall?  If so,
we need to get moving on it.  It would be cool to have it at MSU
for the student population if we can find a good spot.  The only
place I can think of that I have access to is the conference room
downstairs in the Computer Center.  I wonder if we might be able
to snag a microlab for an afternoon, it'd be nice to have all the
monitors/keyboards handy (if we can do some minor disassembly...
;) ).  Any other suggested locations?

GLLUG Project

At one point in the past we talked about doing a GLLUG project.
Something like a newbie help website or helping out a non-profit
organization or charity by donating some of our time and Linux
skills.  Anyone interested in this?  Anyone have ideas on what we
could do?


To those of you I bribed to get your vote for Prez, your checks
are in the mail... 

Edward Glowacki

Imagination is the one weapon in the war against reality.
                -- Jules de Gaultier