making ISO images

Ben Pfaff
10 Sep 2001 16:12:21 -0400

Edward Glowacki <> writes:

> I just posted a new clarification to the list. =)  Basically path/*
> (my home directory) contains too much data to fit on a CD.  Some
> of it is stuff I don't even want to put on CD (web browser cache,
> downloads of software, source code directories with all the object
> files, etc), so I need to do it piecemeal.  None of the GUI tools
> I've tried are very good at this (you could almost say they suck
> royally).

This sounds to me a good use for the backup tool that we were
discussing earlier this summer, the one that understood cvs
vs. scp vs. rsync vs. whatever.  Just define a new class of
backup and add a feature that accumulates file and directory
sizes as it goes and selects an appropriate breakpoint for
volumes, then automatically issues the proper mkisofs commands
and copies the images to whatever machine wants them.
Ben Pfaff <> <> <>
MSU Graduate - Debian GNU/Linux Maintainer - GNU Developer
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